Best Buy
Movie Mode
The Challenge: Make a typical movie tie-in partnership into something newsworthy that shows Best Buy knows the cutting edge of technology.
The Idea: Create an app that breaks the cardinal rule of shutting down your phone in the movie theater. The first app to give first-run movies a second-screen experience.
Hinting Season
The Challenge: For big retailers, pursuit of the mighty dollar means the holiday season starts earlier every year. But consumers turn to scrooges when they see holiday advertising while they're still in their Halloween costume.
The Idea: Create a new season: #HintingSeason. While it may be too early to get out the Christmas sweater, it's never too early to make sure you get the exact gift you want. Especially when it comes to tech. Of course, as the season went on, we suggested plenty of gifts people could get at Best Buy on social and targeted ads reaching people who had tweeted their hints. We even surprised six lucky hinters with an in-person delivery with the tech they wanted and a lot more.

The Coverage Map
The Challenge: Consumers had no preference where they bought their phone. And although Best Buy sold more phones than anyone else, they weren't seen as any different.
The Idea: Provide shoppers with an honest, apples-to-apples coverage map, sourced through the actual signals of phones sold at Best Buy.
* Sadly, this one died on the operating table.